"The One" tells the incredible and true story of a young woman who survived a fall from more than 5 km. Wounded and hurt, she had to struggle several days in the wildern "The One" tells the incredible and true story of a young woman who survived a fall from more than 5 km. Wounded and hurt, she had to struggle several days in the wilderness before being rescued.详情
卢克·大卫·布鲁姆,凯特琳·菲茨杰拉德,保罗·斯帕克斯,贝茨·怀尔德,伊桑·斯莱特,Griffin Wallace Henkel,Mason Cufari,Matthew Sean Blumm,Robert Loftus,Tyler Magnis,韦恩·派尔,Elijah George,Bea Soong,Laurent Rejto,Mackenzie S. Stevens,Nancy Marie Nicosia